Key to the performance of operating theatres is meeting national safety and quality standards, effectively managing the workforce, improving safety procedures and maximising theatre efficiency.
Whilst there have been developments around safety and efficiency there are still areas for improvement, which requires effective operating room management through collaboration and collective responsibility.
With this in mind, the 6th Annual Operating Theatre Management Conference provides a timely and pertinent opportunity for operating room and perioperative management professionals to share best practice. The conference program is available for viewing here.
Featuring practical presentations and open discussions, the 2014 conference will focus on the implementation of the NSQHS Standards, improving team performance and communication, relating surgery time to ABF, effectively meeting targets, maximising theatre efficiency, and addressing staff recruitment and education.
Day One of the conference will see Ben Lockwood, Clinical Practice Consultant from Flinders Medical Centre providing tools and tips to assist with policy and procedure review, auditing, reporting and KPIs and risk management. Ruth Melville, ACORN President 2012-2014, Nambour Hospital and Sunshine Coast Hospital & Health Service will provide a brief update on ACORN activities and the alignment of standards. Elsie Truter, Tutor and OR and Infection Control Nurse from the Waiariki Institute of Technology will speak about the importance of infection control in the OR, focusing on preoperative skin preparation, prophylactic antibiotic use and multi-drug resistant organisms. Delegates will have the opportunity to share common challenges and experiences by putting forward any “burning issues” in an interactive session at the end of Day One.
Various models of care for improving operating theatre efficiency will be explored on Day Two by Ross Mace, Tasmanian Health Organisation – North, Jenny Abernethy, Peninsula Health and Aaron Shergis, Maroondah Hospital. Perioperative information systems will be examined by Jilda Levene, Royal Perth Hospital; whilst A/Prof David Storey, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Marghie Murgo, NSW Clinical Excellence Commission and Sally Sutherland-Frazer, Health Education & Learning Partnerships will emphasise the importance of delegation and supervision of clinical care in both OR and perioperative settings.
There will be a pre-conference workshop focusing on “Using a Data Extract to Build a Range of Pivot Tables to Inform Us about the Surgical Patient Journey”, delivered by Denis O’Leary, Senior Project Manager at Ballarat Base Hospital Victoria. Denis has over 20 years’ experience in Clinical Services, and spent a year in the UK to work on the development of the NHS Productive Operating Theatre program and participated in a Rapid Improvement Orthopaedic redesign program.
An inclusive pre-conference dinner will also provide a unique networking opportunity for attendees.
Join fellow OR professionals at this highly recommended conference on Operating Theatre Management this August in Sydney:
“Great speakers, relevant information. Open and honest communication and discussion”
OR Manager, MercyAscot Hospital
“It is relevant, interesting, a great learning & networking opportunity”
ADON Perioperative Services, DHHS Royal Hobart Hospital
“It was informative & engaging and met my education needs & expectations”
Nurse Manager, Alfred Hospital
For detailed conference program and to register, visit the Operating Theatre Management Conference website here.
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