South Australia has a rich mining and resources industry which has shown unprecedented development over the years, with major operating mines increasing from 4 to 21 and 30 major developments reported to be currently underway.*
With this mind, the 8th annual Mining South Australia conference will provide a timely update from some of South Australia’s key resource operations, project owners and infrastructure stakeholders from the region. The two-day conference will take place on 25th and 26th November in Whyalla. You can view the recently launched 2014 conference agenda here, featuring presentations from 20 + speakers and providing you the opportunity to meet and reconnect with those leading SA’s resource projects.

Day One of the conference will be opened with a keynote address from the South Australian Government’s Treasurer, the Honourable Tom Koutsantonis and will kick off a morning of presentations addressing the outlook for South Australia’s resources sector, developments and commodity outlook. Dr Paul Heithersay from the Department of State Development will share an overview of emerging, developing and advancing mineral, oil and gas opportunities, which will also cover policy and research innovation aimed at driving long term progression of South Australia’s resource sector
A showcase of operational project updates in the region will follow, including a case study on the Lower Series Implementation at Leigh Creek Coalfield by Alinta Energy’s Senior Mine Planning Engineer, Craig Franklin, and an operational and community interaction update for the Kanmantoo Mine from Hillgrove Resources’ CEO Greg Hall. Patrick Mutz will also share insights from Murray Zircon on the businesses experience with implementing optimal performance, streamlining and efficiency at the Mindarie Mineral Sands Project.
You will have the opportunity to learn about approaches to challenges for maintaining a social license to operate, during an interactive panel discussion that will examine the challenges of social, environmental and regulatory requirements for a license to operate in the region hosted by Coffey’s Principal Environmental and Social Consultant, Carolyn Balint.
Graphite has fast become a hot topic for the global commodity community, having experienced increased share price over the past 12 months. Given South Australia’s hot bed of promising graphite projects, an industry focus on the current market will wrap up the first day, including presentations from Breakaway Resources’ graphite market expert Mark Gordon, and updates from SA’s Valence Industries Ltd, Lincoln Minerals and Archer Exploration Ltd.
Following the growing opportunities that unconventional gas developments are offering to the region, the morning of Day Two will be dedicated to updates from some of the major players for the region’s industry, including presentations from senior representatives of Santos, Senex, Beach Energy, Linc Energy and Petratherm Ltd.
Resource leader’s procurement advice, updates on the region’s infrastructure developments and Mitsubishi Australia’s Port Bonython Fuel Terminal Project will also be presented on during Day Two. And if this isn’t enough… There will be plenty of opportunity to get out and about, do business and network and with industry peers at the conference networking drinks sponsored by Mckay Drilling, the Gala Dinner or join the the optional pre-conference site tour to Arrium Mining’s Whyalla Port on Monday 24th November.
We hope you can join us to engage in a dialogue on the future developments for Mining and resources and do business at the 8th annual Mining South Australia conference.