1 in 12 Australians is currently living with a Brain Injury.
From one too many concussions on the sports field, to falls on the half pipe, surf stacks and cycling collisions, brain injuries halt the lives of those in their prime. Sidetember wants to get them moving again – back on the board, the bike and living life.
Sidetember is a special fundraising event which takes place during the month formerly known as September.
There are a few ways you can take part in Sidetember:
Sideburns – grow your sideburns for the month.
Side Jewellery – cant grow? Then wear our special, handcrafted jewellery – it’s 100% sterling silver and looks amazing.
On the Side – take up a challenge On the Side – where you challenge yourself for the month. Could be giving up chocolate, doing a fun run or even going for a daily walk – it is up to you.
Here is a collection of past and present, historical and comical, famous and awesome Sidetember pictures to inspire you in the month of September – we encourage you to get involved in this worthy cause.

For more information, please visit the Sidetember website.
Don’t forget that key areas of ABI will be addressed and explored in detail at the National Acquired Brain Injury Conference, taking place on the 10th and 11th November in Sydney. For more information about the event agenda and to register, please visit the National Acquired Brain Injury Conference website.