The Police Technology Forum took place on the 17-18 March, and it welcomed some of the industry’s most influential players in the area of law enforcement innovation. Some of the key topics included biometrics and identity security, crime prevention and design, privacy and surveillance and more. Below is a breakdown of some of the key presentations that were delivered during this event.
The first day of the event was chaired by Dr David Connery, who specialises in strategic policing at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. The main attraction of day one was most definitely the two keynotes addresses which were delivered by Superintendent Yuli Cahyanti from ASEANAPOL, and Joann Corcoran from the Attorney General’s Department.
These presentations gave insights into the use of technology both in Asia and domestically in the state and territory police forces. Delegates also heard from the wider law enforcement community in Australia including presentations from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, the Australian Institute of Criminology and the Australian Crime Commission; exploring policing in a broader Intelligence and Security context.
The second day of the proceedings was chaired by Warwick Jones, the Executive Director at Australian Institute of Police Management; Warwick did a fantastic job of facilitating conversation. The keynote presentation delivered by Matt Jones on the ICT blueprint for national police information was one of the most commented on presentations, Matt suggested a three tiered approach to national policing; Warrick Jones tweets:

Another presentation to note was delivered by Assistant Commissioner Paul Dickson of Crime Service at the South Australian Police. His presentation focused on the utilisation of technology in serious crimes, and he attracted a lot of engagement on twitter:

A few more noteworthy tweets on the event include:

The event ended with on a great note with everyone praising the expertise and knowledge of the chair Warrick Jones who added a lot of depth to the discussion with his questioning techniques.

Thanks to everyone involved and we look forward to next year! You can keep an eye out for next year’s event here, or if you don’t feel like waiting, The National police Summit has been announced. Find out more here.