It’s been an interesting few months for transport in Victoria with debate on both sides of politics unravelling different perspectives on the needs of Victorian residents. Federal transport Minister Anthony Albanese has committed funding for the Melbourne Metro rail link, while Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has committed funding for the controversial East West Link. Transport experts will be dissecting these options at the Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit to be held in September to see which projects should really be given the go ahead.
Another key development for Victoria recently has been the extension of myki to regional train stations. Cr Lisa Ruffell, Mayor of the City of Greater Bendigo will be discussing the benefits this will give regional centres and she will also open up discussion on ways to improve regional transport.
Looking at the freight side of the debate, the railway industry has questioned whether or not a Federal Coalition government will be able to provide Victoria with adequate freight infrastructure. Bryan Nye, CEO of the Australasian Railway Association recently described Tony Abbott as being “short-sighted” in his support for funding the Bruce Highway. Michael Kilgariff, CEO of the Australian Logistics Council will provide an opportunity to analyse what improvements need to be made to Victoria’s freight network in order to maintain its status as the freight capital of Australia.
We have made some of the presentations held at the 2012 Victorian Transport Infrastructure Summit available for viewing and download.
Presentation 1: Keynote Address: Securing Victoria’s future prosperity
- Enhancing productivity whilst maintaining competitive neutrality in Victorian transport
- Key findings from the State Based reform agenda
- Opportunities for improvements in:
- Traffic congestion
- Freight transport
- Integrating land-use and transport planning
- Regional transport
Deborah Cope, Commissioner, Victoria Competition & Efficiency Commission
[slideshare id=23552565&doc=deborahcope-130627000121-phpapp01]
Presentation 2: Assessing population change in Victoria
- What demographic changes do we expect to see in Victoria in the coming decades?
- Which geographical centres will face the greatest population pressures?
Jeremy Reynolds, Managing Director, Demographic Research, Department of Planning & Community Development, Victoria
[slideshare id=23552595&doc=jeremyreynolds-130627000302-phpapp02]
Presentation 3: Multimodality – The importance of multi-modal transport in cities
- defining multimodality
- benefits of multimodality
- effective multi-modal strategies
- multimodality in Australian Cities
Doug Bell, Principal, Multi-modal Transport Solutions
[slideshare id=23552581&doc=douglasbell-130627000200-phpapp01]
Presentation 4: Assessing Victoria’s public transport network
- How does Melbourne compare with other Australian capitals and International cities in the delivery of public transport?
- Challenges facing Regional Victoria in public transport
Professor Graham Currie, Chair of Public Transport, Monash University
[slideshare id=23552815&doc=profgrahamcurrie-130627000644-phpapp01]
Presentation 5: The Commuter Perspective: Critical issues to be address to create a world-class public transport system
- De-bottlenecking the Melbourne Metro network
- Increasing patronage
- Myki ticketing issues
- Improving safety and cleanliness
Daniel Bowen, President, Public Transport Users Association
[slideshare id=23552563&doc=danielbowen-130627000114-phpapp01]
Presentation 6: Consolidating Melbourne’s status as Australia’s premier container port
- Successfully completing the Channel deepening project to open the sea highway for the next 30 years.
- What will Port of Melbourne look like in 30years?
- Establishing world’s best practice at Melbourne Port
Stephen Bradford, CEO, Port of Melbourne Corporation
[slideshare id=23552786&doc=stephenbradford-130627000556-phpapp02]
Presentation 7: Establishing Port of Hastings as Victoria’s second container port
- Key challenges for the port of Hastings Development Authority
- Increasing capacity and competition in container ports in Melbourne and Victoria
- Ensuring on time and on budget delivery
- Environmental challenges
- Community consultation
Ralph Kenyon, CEO, Port of Hastings Development Authority
[slideshare id=23552824&doc=ralphkenyon-130627000703-phpapp01]
Presentation 8: The role of alliancing in delivering Victoria’s Regional Rail Link Project
Robert Macey, Director, Commercial and Legal, Regional Rail Link Authority
[slideshare id=23552879&doc=robertmacey-130627000815-phpapp02]
Presentation 9: Perspectives on climate risk for rail infrastructure
Stella Whittaker, Senior Executive Sustainability and Climate Change, ManidisRoberts
[slideshare id=23552909&doc=stellawhittaker-130627000840-phpapp02]