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Food & Agriculture


9 Jan 2025, by Long.Chen

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Healthcare | Legal

What do NSW health workers need to know about the new voluntary assisted dying laws?

New South Wales’ (NSW) version of voluntary assisted dying (VAD) legislation came into effect in November last year, providing welcome relief to people suffering in the advanced stages of illness and disease. With the legislation now in full swing, what do NSW health workers need to be mindful of – legally and ethically - in…

27 Feb 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Banking & Finance | Legal | Technology

What simple techniques can banks adopt to prevent fraud? A digital scam expert sheds light

With the advent of AI-based technologies such as ‘deep fake’, the world of scamming is becoming increasingly sophisticated, with Australians falling victim to $3billion worth of digital fraud last year as a result. In this landscape, banks could be forgiven for thinking scam prevention requires an equally technical response. But as ethical hacker and digital…

11 Jul 2023, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Legal

The appropriate way for doctors to handle surrogacy births – insights from a surrogate mother and lawyer

The world of surrogacy is often a foreign one to health professionals, with many clinicians feeling as though they are in treading in a legal quagmire when handling the care of surrogate mothers. Complexities around health disclosures, antenatal medical treatments and newborn care are among the pitfalls clinicians can encounter when dealing with a surrogacy.…

5 Jul 2023, by Amy Sarcevic

Banking & Finance | Legal

What to expect from generative AI in financial services

The recent hype around generative AI has left many business owners and directors in the financial services industry wondering whether they should be using the technology. While tools like ChatGTP have largely been celebrated in the corporate world, they do raise serious concerns from an ethics and regulatory perspective. Unlike traditional AI, which finds answers,…

21 Apr 2023, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Legal

Why more medico legal defendants are winning on causation

Proving that a hospital or medical practitioner has breached their duty of care is often front of mind for plaintiffs when bringing forward a medico legal dispute. In recent months, however, a number of high profile defendants throughout Australia have claimed victory in the face of clear, or even admitted, duty breaches. From bone defects…

9 Feb 2023, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Legal

Improving clinical and legal outcomes for impacted foetal head at caesarean section

Impacted foetal head (IFH) at caesarean section is the third most litigated infant brain injury in the United Kingdom, and an emerging medico legal issue in Australia, where a number of high-profile cases have been reported to coroners over the last decade. Overall, IFH complicates around 10 percent of intrapartum caesarean sections (CS), but the…

8 Feb 2023, by Amy Sarcevic

Banking & Finance | Legal

Banks should reimburse consumers for APP losses says Consumer Action Law Centre Chief Gerard Brody

Authorised push payments (APP) - a type of scam where people are tricked into transferring money to fraudsters – is reaching epidemic proportions around the world. In the United Kingdom, APP fraud losses grew 71 percent in the first half of 2021; and have climbed a further 40 percent this year to GBP 474,000 (GBP…

8 Sep 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Legal

Could anti-abortion law come to Australia – and what might happen if it did?

The US Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v Wade has had an immediate effect on abortion access in the United States, with the criminalisation of abortion in some states taking effect within hours of the court’s ruling. The ruling and its consequences have set off alarm bells worldwide, including Australia, where a series of protests…

11 Jul 2022, by Amy Sarcevic


Blame on steroids – what Australia’s leading WHS lawyer thinks about industrial manslaughter legislation

In 2020, Queensland’s District Court handed down its first industrial manslaughter prosecution, sentencing two directors of Brisbane Auto Recycling to a ten month suspended prison sentence, following the accidental death of a worker. The directors admitted to negligence in the lead up to the accident, which saw victim, 52 year old Tiger Willis, caught between…

31 Mar 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Legal

How might voluntary assisted dying legislation in NSW compare with other jurisdictions?

In the last few years, a major shift in political thinking has seen most Australian jurisdictions - bar those that lack the statutory power to do so - adopt some form of voluntary assisted dying (VAD) legislation. First Victoria in 2019, followed by Western Australia in 2021; and more recently Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia,…

31 Jan 2022, by Amy Sarcevic
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