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9 Jan 2025, by Long.Chen

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Occupational Health & Safety | Technology | Transport & Logistics

The safety program making significant savings for Downer Group

Since becoming Head of HSEQ for Downer Group, Nick Mountford - who investigated the 2003 Waterfall train incident and played a pivotal role in establishing the ITSRR - has taken a zero-tolerance approach towards rail safety. His recently implemented Rail Safety Improvement Program has already seen incidents nosedive from 23 in the 2020-21 financial year,…

11 Apr 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Mining & Resources | Occupational Health & Safety

How far off is a ‘zero harm’ longwall mine?

Thanks to advancements in automation and remote operating technology, the longwall mine is a much safer place than it was ten years ago. Tools like inertial navigation systems - which are accurate enough to measure the earth’s rotation and can detect the precise orientation of a shearer as its travels up and down the coal…

7 Feb 2023, by Amy Sarcevic

Occupational Health & Safety

How movement data is helping injured people return to work faster

For many years, former physiotherapist and technology innovator, Scott Coleman, has been helping professional athletes avoid training overload and injury, through his suite of wearable devices that collect data on movement. However, it wasn’t until his mother sustained an injury at work as a nurse that he considered the potential of his technology in other…

14 Oct 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Occupational Health & Safety | Uncategorised

Understanding mental health in the workplace

After a lifetime in the aviation industry, Counsellor and Podcaster Chris Smith now dedicates his time to establishing leadership and mental health programs for major international airlines. His work has seen him supporting manager-staff relations, employee engagement, and conflict resolution, in countries such as Singapore, Japan, PNG, and France. Ahead of the Safety in Action…

11 Oct 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Occupational Health & Safety | Transport & Logistics

The importance of seafarer wellbeing – and how to achieve it

With long stints away from home, lengthy working hours, and disruptions to their Circadian rhythm, seafarers often face unique challenges in terms of managing their mental health. Currently, 40 percent of workers in the maritime industry live with symptoms of depression or anxiety, and between 1960 and 2009, 5.9 percent of seafarers globally died by…

9 Jun 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Leadership & Communication | Occupational Health & Safety

Organisational injury prevention through a wellbeing lens

A new initiative by WorkSafe Victoria is slashing mental health related workers compensation claims in its own workforce, by upskilling employees and their leaders in the realm of wellbeing. Bucking the trend of safety-focussed interventions, the WorkSafe Victoria Wellbeing Program is one of the first in the country to look at workers’ compensation through a…

4 May 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Mining & Resources | Occupational Health & Safety

Managing lifestyle factors for miner health and safety

Health surveillance in the mining industry has historically focussed on the physical aspects of the profession, particularly the threat of occupational diseases from airborne contaminants. In the last decade, this has begun to shift with lifestyle factors, such as obesity, stress, and chronic disease, increasingly coming into focus. Within mining, rates of these conditions are…

14 Apr 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Occupational Health & Safety | Transport & Logistics

How the UK redeemed its rail safety profile following five track fatalities

For many years, the United Kingdom’s rail industry was well-known for its upward safety trend, but in 2017 this all changed when five track workers lost their lives in the three years thereafter. The fatalities prompted an immediate response from the national safety regulator; and in 2019, Network Rail Director Nick Millington was asked to…

11 Apr 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Mining & Resources | Occupational Health & Safety

How to balance the science and art of work health and safety

As a director or manager of a mining operation, you might think you have your workplace health and safety (WHS) obligations covered. Team members constantly on high alert for signs of spontaneous combustion; safety alerts in place for the correct selection of PUR products; and stringent review and control measures following gas exceedance. Overlaying this,…

5 Apr 2022, by Amy Sarcevic

Occupational Health & Safety

How to manage burnout in the workplace – tips from an Organisational Psychologist

Feeling ‘burnt out’ has become a familiar scenario for workers across all industries, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. For those lucky enough to have stayed in their roles, furloughs and redundancies elsewhere in the business have added weight to their workloads, and heightened pressure to perform. For office workers, ‘stay at home’ mandates have made it…

8 Dec 2021, by Amy Sarcevic
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