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9 Jan 2025, by Long.Chen

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Transport & Logistics

A glimpse into Pacific National’s climate action strategy

As Australia’s largest provider of diversified rail freight, Pacific National is well aware of its environmental and social responsibility. With 12700 active wagons across 70 locations, the operator has more than 700-weekly services, transporting millions of tonnes of resources around the country each year. With such scale, ESG Principal, Anitra Hobby, says decarbonisation will be…

29 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

How can rail operators combat cyber threat?

In the wake of cyberattacks in Iran and Belarus, concern is growing around the security of Australian railways systems, which – amid the uptake of new technologies - are increasingly vulnerable to threat actors. While rail signalling systems such as Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) enhance safety and prevent collisions, their reliance on interconnection (between locomotives,…

25 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

How Transport for London is creating a more sustainable London

Amid growing calls for UK cities to be more sustainable, eyes are turning to Transport for London (TfL) – one of the largest integrated public transport authorities in the world. Alongside the London Underground, Dial-a-Ride, coach and river services - which it directly operates - TfL runs a host of contracted services. These include a…

11 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

Project update on Suburban Rail Loop

Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) is a 90 kilometre orbital rail loop linking every major train service from the Frankston line in Melbourne’s south east to the Werribee line in the west, via Melbourne Airport. The turn-up-and-go service will ensure a high speed train up to every two minutes during peak hours; while three transport super…

3 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

Inside Queensland Rail’s ten year infrastructure pipeline

Every week, more than 1000 people cross the border to begin a new life in Queensland, and soon - thanks to more than $20 billion in rail infrastructure - they will navigate the state’s growing urban centres with greater ease. Among the projects being delivered is Cross River Rail, which will add a third sector…

24 May 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Technology | Transport & Logistics

What does it mean to be ‘technology ready’ in rail – and why does it matter?

The global rail technology market is currently valued at 116 billion euros and is expected to reach 126 billion by 2025. In the face of this growth, the term ‘technology readiness’ has become one of the rail industry’s most prominent buzzwords. But what exactly does it mean and why is it credited with so much…

24 Apr 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Occupational Health & Safety | Technology | Transport & Logistics

The safety program making significant savings for Downer Group

Since becoming Head of HSEQ for Downer Group, Nick Mountford - who investigated the 2003 Waterfall train incident and played a pivotal role in establishing the ITSRR - has taken a zero-tolerance approach towards rail safety. His recently implemented Rail Safety Improvement Program has already seen incidents nosedive from 23 in the 2020-21 financial year,…

11 Apr 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

Rethinking what is acceptable – Rio Tinto’s approach to greater safety around rail

With numerous intersections between people and high speed vehicles, business-as-usual risks in rail are among the highest of any industry. Like many operators, Rio Tinto has always managed these risks in line with the ‘So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable’ (SFAIRP) standard, required by Rail Safety National Law. More recently, however, it has begun to…

29 Feb 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Technology | Transport & Logistics

Monitoring track assets in their natural state – how Vossloh is changing the game for rail maintenance

Intricate track components, like switches and point machines, can be a challenge to monitor under actual operating conditions. Allow maintenance crews on the ballast while trains are running, and there are often unacceptable safety risks. Don’t allow them, and it becomes hard to assess the true condition of the asset under its real load. With…

28 Feb 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Technology | Transport & Logistics

Prolonging the life of a rail turnout

Bearing enormous tonnage, and withstanding extremes of weather and temperature, life as a rail turnout is often tough in Australia. However, as John Smith of voestalpine Railway Systems points out, a turnout can maintain good health and reach an impressive life span if cared for appropriately. He says advances in sensors and data-based applications now…

16 Feb 2024, by Amy Sarcevic
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